Diversity is our strength | Homepage of DW's corporate website. | DW | 18.03.2020
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About DW

Diversity is our strength

Employees from more than 60 nations are the key to DW's success. We offer journalists, IT specialists, legal experts and many other professionals a meaningful occupation and an attractive work environment.

DW provides news and information to people worldwide, giving them the freedom to make uo their own minds.

The source of our journalistic creativity is a vibrant mix of languages, cultures and perspectives. Combinded with their individual skills, our employees enable DW to carry out our important mission and achieve our corporate objectives.

Our values: Open-minded, rational, straightforward 

DW faces great challenges in the world's highly dynamic media markets. We therefore attach great importance to enabling our staff to find innovative solutions, implement their ideas and develop their full potential at work. Our HR strategy focuses on our employees' individual skills and talents.

Continuous progress

DW relies on state-of-the-art IT and multimedia systems. Our editorial departments continuously adapt the programming to the latest technology, evolving market structures and user demands. We offer trainings and foster change processes to remain internationally competitive over the long term.

Stay healthy at work and at home

We support our employees in balancing their professional and private lives. DW offers a variety of part-time schemes and flexible working schedules to accommodate personal needs such as child and elderly care.

Workplace rewards

DW offers social and recreational benefits, such as a high-quality canteen, an extensive range of sport facilities and cultural events.

DW recommends

EINSCHRÄNKUNG DW Personenfoto | Corporate Communications | Carla Hagemann

Carla Hagemann

Corporate Spokesperson and Head of Corporate Communications


T +49.228.429.2042
